Loving you is as easy as eating cheese
Or my favourite make-believe
Loving you is imagining you in every peice of art I see
Loving you is a one-man play
Loving you is the aroma of a theatre, ready for a performance
Loving you is laughing at a stale joke, retold too many times
Loving you is averted eyes and palms pressed to thighs
Loving you is early sleep and unspoken goodbyes
Loving you is a soft pillow, punched too many times
Loving you is the bedsheet imprint, after a deep sleep
Loving you is a clenched fist upon a closed road
Loving you is a pleasant orange that is freshly cut
Loving you is wondering if the sea will be rough or smooth
Loving you is breaking a secret I never kept
Loving you is reluctance and regret
Loving you is a dry spell, waiting for rain
Loving you is the sigh of an unborn child
Loving you is an unfinished dream